Performing an offline domain join


You can complete the following steps to perform an offline domain join :

  1. On the Windows Server, open CMD as administrator and  run next command:
djoin /provision /domain “” /machine “win7-comp″ /savefile Win7.txt”

After  command completes successfully you will see win7-comp computer on AD computer container.

2. Then copy   Win7.txt file to system32 folder on win7-comp computer. On the System Properties you see you computer still  on workgroup.

3.  Open CMD and Run following command on the win7-comp computer :

djoin /requestODJ /loadfile win7.txt /windowspath %SystemRoot% /localos

4. Command completes successfully do restart on win7-comp computer.

5. After win7-comp restarted you can check from System Properties  that computer joined to domain.

NOTE: Before log in with domain account to computer  should be connectivity between your computer and domain controller. That’s why you need establish  connection between your computer and domain controller. 

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