In this topic, you will find valuable information about Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v10. I want to inform you that this is not an official course. But you can get a lot of knowledge about CEH v10.
- Installation and Configuration LAB environment
- Introduction to Ethical Hacking
- Footprinting and Reconnaissance
- Network Scanning
- Enumeration
- Vulnerability Analysis
- System Hacking
- Malware Threats
- Sniffing
- Social Engineering
- Denial-of-Services
- Session Hijacking
- Evading IDS, Firewall and Honeypots
- Hacking Web Servers
- Hacking Web Applications
- SQL Injection
- Hacking Wireless Networks
- Hacking Mobile Platforms
- IoT Hacking
- Cloud Computing
- Cryptography
To start this course We need to make the following LAB.
- Virtual environment; You can use VMware Workstation or Virtual Box. I prefer VMware Workstation.
- Kali Linux; You can get it from https://www.kali.org/downloads/
- Vulnerable target machine; We will use Metasploitable Virtual Machine to Test Metasploit. To download that go to https://information.rapid7.com/metasploit-framework.html website.
If you have all above then We can start the course. In the “Installation and Configuration” section We will set up our Lab.
If you have any trouble with that, write to us for help.
I hope all the information in this course will be valuable for you and you need to put all the features into practice.