Home Featured Trend Micro OfficeScan: Install, Configure, Manage

Trend Micro OfficeScan: Install, Configure, Manage

Trend Micro OfficeScan: Install, Configure, Manage

Cyber security events are increasing day by day. Stealing and selling sensitive information become an illegal business. Virus and Malicious software can also hijack your computer to send spam messages, display advertisements, or perform other illegal activities.

So, to decrease the risk of inflection of hosts we need protection software. There is a lot of solution for that. One of the solutions for this is Trend Micro OfficeScan.

Trend Micro OfficeScan is a client-server solution that protects clients and servers in your network against malware, risks, and vulnerabilities. Trend Micro OfficeScan combines virus protection with advanced threat protection to proactively secure your client computers against known and unknown threats, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and adware.

We provide the Free study materials below which help you to  Install, Configure and Manage Trend Micro OfficeScan successfully  :

{Study Guides will be here soon…}

I hope, this course will help you to get most of the information about Trend Micro OfficeScan and learn that deeply.


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