SMTP 25 Telnet attempt returns 220 **********


Recently I get the this error below when I testing SMTP 25 port on my email server and I want to share that issue with you:   220 ****************************

When I send email to external email server and vice versa all messages stayed in queue. After that I checked telnet smtp port from internal and external then I released that  telnet session to our mail server on port 25 return that error above. Email server use Cisco as a firewall and mail flow happens over that. On Cisco firewall has a feature SMTP fixup and that was enabled.  After disable that option all problems gone.

To fix that You must to login your firewall and select Configuration tab -> Firewall button, then select Service Policy Rules.  Edit inspection_default policy and Disable ESMTP option.

After that I test my telnet and I could send helo and ehlo  command and receive required response.

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