Removing and Replacing a Tape Drive on MSL4048 Tape Library


To remove a drive, complete the following steps:

1. Using the remote management interface or the operator control panel, unload the tape cartridge(s) from the drive(s) that has to be removed.

2.Power down the drive to be replaced by using the operator control panel.

3. Ensure the LED on the tape drive being removed is off

4. Remove the SCSI cable(s) or Fiber cables and terminator, if applicable, from the tape drive(s) being removed.

5. Loosen the blue captive thumbscrews on the drive

6. Pull straight back on the tape drive handle while supporting the bottom of the drive to remove it from the library

To replace a tape drive:

1. Slowly insert the new tape drive into the drive bay

2. Tighten the captive thumbscrews until the drive is secure

3. Reconnect the SCSI cable or fiber cables on the new drive.

4. If previously removed, replace the power cord and Ethernet cable and turn on the tape library.


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