Microsoft Active Directory Object Restore on Veeam Backup & Replication 9

  1. In Veeam Backup & Replication, Go to the Home tab of the ribbon menu and click Restore on the toolbar. In the Restore wizard, select Application items, then select Microsoft Active Directory and click Next:

2. In the list of available jobs, select a Microsoft Active Directory VM and click next:

3. Select a necessary restore point for the Microsoft Active Directory VM and click next:

4. Enter the reason for performing VM guest file restore and click Next:

5.  Click Finish to start the restore process:

6. After you click Finish automatically launching Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Active Directory:

7. You see displaying database hierarchy and objects in the Veeam Explorer window. Right click which object which you want to restore and Click “Restore to <Your DC server>”

And then Start and finish restore the process.

Same way You can Backup and Restore following application:

  • Microsoft Active Directory
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft SQL Server Oracle

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